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We Serve and Protect

Odisha Police

Government of Odisha

Human Rights Protection Cell

List Of Senior Officer

Name Rank Contact Details Photograph
Shri Lalit Das, IPS Spl. D.G. of Police, HRPC, Odisha, Cuttack. 0674-2390477 (Office) 94389-15976 (CUG) 0674-2536004 (Fax0671-2300203 (Office) 0671-2302697 (FAX) 94389-15979 (CUG Mbl.) Email Id – dirhrpc.orpol@nic.in, - state-hrpc@odishapolice.gov.in
Dr. Satyajit Naik, IPS Spl. D.G. of Police, HRPC, Odisha, Cuttack. 0674-2390477 (Office) 94389-15976 (CUG) 0674-2536004 (Fax0671-2300203 (Office) 0671-2302697 (FAX) 94389-15979 (CUG Mbl.) Email Id – dirhrpc.orpol@nic.in, - state-hrpc@odishapolice.gov.in
Shri R.K Senapati, OPS (S) Spl. D.G. of Police, HRPC, Odisha, Cuttack. 0674-2390477 (Office) 94389-15976 (CUG) 0674-2536004 (Fax0671-2300203 (Office) 0671-2302697 (FAX) 94389-15979 (CUG Mbl.) Email Id – dirhrpc.orpol@nic.in, - state-hrpc@odishapolice.gov.in
  • The Human Rights Protection Cell is a Specialised Wing of State Police created in the year 1981 with a view to strengthen the mechanism of dealing with Crime against weaker sections i.e. SC/ST population and women in distress.

  • It monitors the investigation of dowry related cases such as dowry homicide, dowry suicide, dowry torture & non-dowry torture, atrocity on SC/ST & death in Police custody.

  • It acts as Nodal Agency of the NHRC, OHRC, NCW, S.C.W, National Commission for SCs & National Commission for STs etc.

  • Thus all the crimes relating to SC/ST and women except rape is dealt under the supervision & control of this unit.

Grievance/ Petition Cell:
  • Public grievances & grievance petitions relating to torture on married woman demanding dowry, atrocity on SC/ST and other related matters were received in the State HRPC & were disposed of by taking appropriate legal action on them.

  • There is also interaction with various citizens committees, peace committees, residents association, various other associations and non-Governmental organizations and other components of civil society.

Complt. Received From N.H.R.C.:
  • It deals with the complaints received from National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi & takes appropriate action in it.

  • The State HRPC being the Nodal Agency is pursuing with different authorities to expedite action taken reports within the stipulated time fixed by the NHRC.

Complaints Received From OHRC, BBSR :

It deals with the complaints received from Odisha Human Rights Commission, Bhubaneswar & takes appropriate action in it.

Complt. Received From State Commission For Women:

It deals with the complaints received from Odisha State Commission for Women Bhubaneswar & takes appropriate action in it.

Working hours:

Working hours both for offices and public is from 10 A.M to 5 P.M

Grievance Redress Mechanism:
  • A Grievance Cell has been functioning to redress grievances of the members of the public as well as police personnel on their personal appearance or on receipt of written petition from them.

  • A number of petitions are received through the office of the Hon'ble President of India, Hon'ble PM of India, Hon'ble Supreme Court & Hon'ble High Court, Hon'ble Governor, Hon'ble Chief Minister and other Ministers, NHRC, State Human Right Commission, State Mahila Commission etc. These petition are sent to the concerned Ss.P. for prompt enquiry and report.

  • On receipt of enquiry reports from different quarters, the same are examined thoroughly and steps taken to redress the grievances. Some times reports are also sent to different higher quarters.

Address :
Human Rights Protection Cell,
State Police Headquarters,
Buxi Bazar,
Location Map:

Women & Child Cells have established to facilitate an integrated & an improved response of the Police to crime against women & children.

Police Circular Order No.336/2013 regarding Women & Child Cells, Help Line & Protection PCR Vans.

One Family Counselling Centre of State Social Welfare Board is functioning in the state H.R.P.C .

In the Family Counselling Centre, Various family and Matrimonial disputes are being amicably solved through counselling

Duties and Functions of Counselling Centre .
  • To hear the grievances of the tortured women on account of dowry and other related tortures on women and record their statements and to enquire into the matter at their places of occurrences with a view to solve their problems amicably, enabling them to live with harmony and dignity.

  • To make correspondence with higher quarters regarding cases is disposed of at their end and to submit monthly/ quarterly/ half yearly/ annual statements to various quarters concerning activities of the counselling centre.

  • To maintain registers and records indicating the names and addresses of the victim women those would come to counselling centre for redressal of their grievances and in suitable cases recommend for them vocational training and job training with a view to economically make the distressed and deserted women economically independent.

  • To provide counselling to the women concerned and also to family members so as to ensure restoration of happy family ties and harmonious relation between men and women, women and women.

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  • To keep liaison with other Governmental and Non-Governmental agencies providing allied services as and when required.

  • To follow-up the cases of effecting counselling and their cases of re-validation.

  • To co-ordinate and liaison with members of staff of H.R.P.C towards petition inquiries, handling of practicable cases and to look after the salient aspects of marital problems and ensure peaceful settlement of disputes and difference between parties through counselling reconciliation and rehabilitation.

  • To relive the pressure of work on Human Rights Cell and Thana level when it comes to dealing with social and sociological aspects of problems of marital discord through counselling and conciliation.

  • Generate awareness sensitization and growing social responsibility awareness amongst the person who come with grievances of atrocities on women which includes social and societal literacy.

  • The counsellors will have to understand that counselling and conciliation is not the job of the Police and Police are over worked and under considerable pressure to deal with Problems of marital discord due to cracking up of joint family system or due to age old evil practice of exploitation of suppressed and oppressed women. They will exactly live in the domain of restoration of social harmony with effluent continuation of happy family concept through mediation and rendering appreciable advice, suggesting measures of reconciliation and prevention of cracking up of families.

  • To liaison with Police at all levels.

  • To hold periodic meetings with staff of HRPC and other members of District Police Administration.

  • To carry out the survey work w.r.t. reporting and non-reporting of cases of atrocities on women and submit analytical reports to H.R.P.C.

  • To liaise with other NGOs, Women’s Organisations, and community at large, as to inform, advice, monitor cases relating to social disharmony resulting in atrocities and tortured on women and take steps for atrocity prevention and ensure living of women with dignity through counselling. Provide monitoring of such occurrences of cases by ensuring visit etc.

  • To keep contact with short stay homes for harbouring of destitute and deserted women at the district levels.

  • To refer cases to H.R.P.C where conciliation fails with a view to ensure legal action against the accused persons and to ensure initiation of legal process with a view to give relief to victim women.

  • To recommend ways and mean and suggestions for better functioning of counselling centre operating under H.R.P.C.

  • Taking the various problems of women when referred to and study women’s problem in the broader perspective of their decrease in number compared to men population with reference to Odisha and suggest measures for prevention of application of force on women towards social harassment and abuse particularly on urban and rural areas and coastal and western Odisha.

  • Through counselling, eradicate, evaluate women’s problems and educate women about their rights and the utility of their role in creating and maintaining happy families.

Address :
Family Counselling Centre.,
Human Rights Protection Cell,
Buxi Bazar,
Telephone :0671-2307203 (O)

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