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We Serve and Protect

Odisha Police

Government of Odisha

Safety Tips

  • Never leave your doors open or unlocked.

  • Don't work in your backyard with your front door unlocked.

  • Never open the door to strangers, no matter what excuse they have for calling on you.

  • A peep-hole and safety chain will allow you to identify strangers without endangering yourself.

  • If possible fix CCTV Camera for safety.

  • When going out leave your valuables at home.

  • Never carry more cash than you need.

  • Don't walk in deserted or dark areas alone.

  • Carry your bag close to your body.

  • Keep your change in your purse or wallet and credit cards and notes in an inside pocket, never in the back pocket of your trousers.

  • Avoid waiting at deserted terminals, wait in well-lit areas.

  • In a bus or train, be aware of people who look or act suspiciously, raise alarm if need be, intimate to other passengers and Police.

  • Never take food or other articles from unknown passenger.

  • Never share your personal data with other passengers.

  • Never leave your handbag or purse in your trolley.

  • Never place your wallet or handbag on the counter.

  • Beware of pickpockets and bag snatchers in shopping malls.

  • Use antivirus software and keep it up to date.

  • Never open / respond any mail / attachment from unknown sender.

  • Always remember to sign out properly after using your account.

  • Give strong password. Change your password on regular basis as per the password policy.

  • Back up your computer data.

  • Don't share access to your computer with strangers.

  • Never share personal data with others.

  • Disconnect from the Internet when not in use.

  • Guard yourself against Phishing.

  • Give strong password. Change your password on regular basis as per the password policy.

  • Never share personal data with others.

  • Always remember to sign out properly after using your account.

  • Use antivirus software and keep it up to date.

  • Update the operating system and application patches.

  • Never open / respond any mail / attachment from unknown sender.

  • It is always safe to deposit your valuables in safe deposit vault of any Bank.

  • Use of modern security gadgets is always advantageous.

  • Install a peephole in your front door and always check the identity of strangers before you let them inside your home.

  • Never leave spare keys in open or in the conventional hiding places.

  • Verify the identity of any repairmen.

  • Inform your society about the visitors, so that their identity could be checked at the gate of the society.

  • A well-designed electronic alarm system attached to the office of your Housing Society or to the watchman’s cabin would be advisable so as to send alarm signals to all simultaneously.

  • Employ a servant after verifying his real name, native address with the help of the nearest Police Station.

  • Don't use your mobile phone while driving.

  • Use seat belt.

  • Don't drink and drive.

  • Avoid speed driving.

  • Take special care about children, senior citizens and pedestrians.

  • Don't drive if tired.

  • Always observe and anticipate other road users.

  • Always wear helmet.

  • Don't try to multitask.

  • Do not break the signal.

  • Be very careful while driving in school areas, hospitals, road intersections and main road junctions.

  • Maintain safe distance.

  • Travel with tickets.

  • Always use Foot Over Bridge (FOB) while changing platforms.

  • Do not try to entrain or detrain when the train is in motion.

  • Do not carry any inflammable article or crackers in compartment.

  • Do not accept any food or beverages offered by strangers.

  • Any unclaimed luggage or suit case if found in the compartment or railway premises, intimate RPF/TTE/GRP or any other Railway Official.

  • Suspicious movements or action by anybody if noticed shall be brought to the notice of the RPF/GRP or any other Railway Official.

  • Secure your luggage in the compartment by chaining the same to the hooks provided.

  • Always pay close attention to the ATM and your surroundings.

  • Enter PIN Confidentially.

  • Never count cash at the machine or in public.

  • Closely monitor your bank statements, as well as your balances, and immediately report any problems to your bank.

  • Identify safe place outside house where you and your family member can take shelter.

  • Ensure there is no obstruction en-route to the safe place.

  • Ensure each member of family has knowledge about first-aid and always keep some medicines.

  • Ensure heavy hanging articles are hanged away from sleeping/sitting place.

  • Ensure technique of earthquake protection and materials as well as other safety measures are used during construction of new house.

  • Have your house/building assessed by qualified engineer and also ensure regular renovation and repair of any crack in house/building to avoid fall during earthquake.

  • Remain calm, stay where you are, and do not get panic.

  • Ensure there is no obstruction en-route to the safe place.

  • Ensure each member of family has knowledge about first-aid and always keep some medicines.

  • Ensure heavy hanging articles are hanged away from sleeping/sitting place.

  • Ensure technique of earthquake protection and materials as well as other safety measures are used during construction of new house.

  • Have your house/building assessed by qualified engineer and also ensure regular renovation and repair of any crack in house/building to avoid fall during earthquake.

  • Remain calm, stay where you are, and do not get panic.

  • Be away from articles likely to fall.

  • In case being inside old & weak structure / house / buildings, take fastest and safest route to get out.

  • Don’t use elevators/lift, but take staircase to reach in open space.

  • Move out to the open space, away from buildings, electric poles / lines and trees.

  • Do not re-enter your house if damaged and also avoid visiting damaged building / structures unless properly inspected.

  • Ensure safety and security of every member of the family.

  • Don’t panic, remain calm.

  • Take extra care to those who required special assistance like infants, elderly, ladies & disabled.

  • Switch off the cooking gas, electricity, and switch on only after ensuring that there was no leakage.

  • Return home only after confirmation that house is safe.

  • Don’t enter any damaged building / structure / house.

  • Don’t allow crowd near damaged structure / buildings.

  • Don’t use elevators / lift until/unless checked / found and declared serviceable.

Safety Measures before Flood.
  • Make sure that people residing in flood prone area are fully aware of dangers of flood.

  • Listen instructions conveyed by media, radio or local authorities about heavy or prolonged rainfall in your area and follow strictly.

  • Keep essential flood rescue equipments.

Safety Measures during Flood.
  • Do not be panic.

  • Keep your essential stores, safe and dry.

  • Keep in touch with local media, listen to radio and follow instruction strictly.

  • Don’t take vehicle or water flooded road without collecting proper information about its depth / current.

Measures after Flood.
  • Keep updated about latest radio broadcast regarding present situation of flood.

  • Don’t switch on electrical connection till flood affected house is fully dried up.

  • Ensure spreading of lime bleaching powder, D.D.T. etc. in and around your house.

  • Take medicine injections and other precautions as advised by local medical authorities.

  • Once the cyclone warning is issued, do not be panic immediately go to a safe place such as cyclone shelters.

  • Turn off the electricity and gas supply.

  • Stay calm.

  • Always keep emergency kit ready in the house, containing a torch, a first aid kit, a sleeping bag, biscuit and water to take along with you at the time of cyclone.

  • The coastal fishermen must always keep a transistor in their boats and listen to the weather forecast regularly.

  • Treat every firearm as loaded.

  • Pass or accept only an open or unloaded firearm.

  • Loaded or unloaded, always point the muzzle in a safe direction.

  • Load a firearm only when ready to fire.

  • Completely unload before leaving the shooting area.

  • Never leave firearms in a vehicle that is unattended.

  • Plan your travel and accommodation.

  • Take your identity card, ticket and medicine with you.

  • Be careful to your diet and hygiene.

  • Keep your belongings safe.

  • Don't disclose any personal / private matters before anybody.

  • Be careful about the suspicious movement / action of anybody.

  • Change the currency only from Official Money Changers.

  • In case of any trouble intimate to the Police Station.

  • Remain alert and vigilant, for suspicious bags, packages or vehicles; people acting suspiciously at stations and airports, and report any concerns to the Police or the appropriate authorities.

  • Nobody should be allowed to enter inside the temple/Important Places with any article, viz. bags, vanity bags, packets, cameras etc.

  • Never touch any outdoor wires with your body or any other objects.

  • Keep electrical appliances and toys away from water.

  • Watch out for damaged cords outside (or inside) electrical equipment.

  • Limit number of plugs in each outlet.

  • Keep electrical appliances away from children.

  • Always use insulated lifter to pick utensils from burning stove.

  • Put out match sticks before throwing into dustbin, or use gas lighter.

  • Always keep safe distance from electric ports.

  • Always keep safe distance from open fire.

  • Know the traffic signals and signs.

  • Look both sides to cross the road.

  • Always walk on the sidewalk or keep to your left.

  • Don't take your head or hands out of moving vehicle.

  • Ensure that you are aware of traffic signals, signs and traffic symbols.

  • Always use crosswalks or zebra crossings.

  • Avoid running across the street.

  • Use sideways or footpaths while walking.

  • Be careful while crossing high speed roads and multiple road junctions.

  • If you have visibility problem, request someone to assist you in crossing the road.

  • While taking their children to school themselves, they should take proper care of their safety.

  • Parents must ensure that the children acquire the right knowledge and skills for safe use of roads.

  • Parents should teach their children the basic rules of the road, how to walk and cross the road.

  • Parents should not allow their minor children to drive.

  • Do not disclose your bank account number/user name/password to anyone.

  • Never take an introduction from an unknown person for the purpose of opening an account in your bank or introduce an unknown person.

  • Keep track on cheques/drafts/pay orders made by you and sent through post/courier services.

  • As far as possible bank transactions should be handled personally.

  • Take adequate care for safe keeping of your cheque book and other important bank documents.

  • Monthly statements of your bank accounts should be invariably checked regularly.

  • Inform the Police immediately about any suspicious financial speculation and other agencies.

  • Turn off all lights/ appliances when not in use.

  • Replace incandescent Bulb by LED and Energy Efficient Tube Light, Electric Fan etc.

  • Use energy efficient star rated appliances.

  • Use natural or herbal colours.

  • Use the goggles.

  • Wear full-sleeved shirts and long pants.

  • Apply generous amounts of petroleum jelly or moisturisers on the skin. To safeguard the scalp and hair, apply coconut oil.

  • Respect other’s wishes, and not force an unwilling to play.

  • Avoid oral contact with colours.

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