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We Serve and Protect

Odisha Police

Government of Odisha

Police Communication

List Of Senior Officer

Name Rank Contact Details Photograph
Shri Sanjay Kumar, IPS. Addl.D.G.of Police, Communication, Odisha, Cuttack. 0671-2300822 (Office) E-mail id: igtech.odpol@nic.in
Shri Gajbhiye Satish Ku. Ishwardas, IPS. I.G.of Police, Communication, Odisha, Cuttack. 0671-2303335 (Office) 94372-60111 (CUG) email id: igtech.odpol@nic.in
  • Odisha Police Signals Establishment is providing prompt and quick service to the Police administration as well as people of Odisha through various communication network.

  • The Establishment passes Information/ Messages immediately to destination though modern communication equipment.

  • 168 numbers of Manpack VHF sets were issued permanently to different Police Personnel of the State.

  • 25 numbers of Static VHF Stations and 40 numbers of mobile VHF sets were installed permanently in different P.Ss. mobile vehicles and P.C.R. vehicles in the State.

  • 16 numbers of VHF Stations were installed temporarily for communication in flood affected areas of the state.

  • To assist Police Administration in maintenance of law and order during festive occasions, VVIP/ VIP visits etc. 6717 Static/ Mobile VHF sets and 9383 W/T sets were temporarily deployed in a phased manner.

  • 03 numbers of Data Communication equipment have been installed in addition to the existing 42 nos. and 05 nos. of working POLNET stations at different District Headquarters for transaction of Messages.

In 1946 Odisha Police launched the Pigeon Service

(Odisha Police Carrier Pigeon Service, Central Breeding & HQR Loft,Cuttack.)

  • At present, 149 pigeons are available in 02 pigeon centers i.e. at Central Breeding Loft, Cuttack and PTC, Angul.
  • These pigeons are kept ready for deployment during State Level Functions/ Ceremonial Parade in the State to glorify peace and harmony.
  • The pigeons were released on 26 occasions in the State Level Functions.
Types of Pigeon :-

There are three types of Pigeon such as Homing Pigeon, Racing Pigeon & Carrier Pigeon.

Homing Pigeon:- Homing Pigeon is a specific breed of pigeon with increased homing capabilities.

Racing Pigeons:-Racing Pigeons are homing pigeons bred to fly fast over long distances.

Carrier Pigeons:- Carrier Pigeons are homing pigeons as well, but today's breed of carrier pigeons are weak flyers and mostly admired for their physical features rather than their homing.

Category of Pigeon service :-

Depending on the kind of services they render, the birds are categorised into Static, Boomerang and Mobile Categories.

Static:-The Static is a one-way service of special use during floods and cyclones.p>

Boomerang:-Boomerang is two-way, helps to maintain connection between Police Stations situated in far off areas.

Mobile:- The Mobile service pigeons are carried by Police Units on the move and used for the purpose of communicating with the headquarter.

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