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Our Mission
“Transform the lives of youth and adult learners through imparting industry relevant skills, knowledge and values.”

Odisha Skill Development Authority (OSDA) was created in 2016 to focus on skilling as a core area for human resource development. World Skill Center (WSC), as the hub in OSDA’s “Hub & Spoke” model of the skilling framework will stay committed to equipping the youth and adult learners in Odisha with the skills, knowledge and values required by industry so that they are able to secure better jobs and higher incomes. WSC will transform lives by staying true to this mission.

Our Vision
“The Beacon for Technical & Vocational Education and Training(TVET) in Odisha”

The beacon has always been looked up to as a source of hope and guidance, particularly in navigation. WSC’s vision is to be such an inspiring leader for TVET institutions in Odisha, navigating the seas of change as technology and industry rapidly and continuously evolve. Over the next 3 to 5 years the TVET landscape across the State of Odisha will need to change on a fast track. This change will include not only the inclusion of new TVET Institutions and programs but also the upgrading of infrastructure, training equipment, curriculum and pedagogical and assessment methodology enhancements. WSC will serve as the guiding beacon towards this TVET journey.

Values(3I 2C)
Industry Relevance

The training we provide should manifest as good jobs and income for our students. This can only be realized if our training meets the needs of the industry.


Skilling is about transforming lives so that each student going through a skills training program can look forward to better employability and income. And this aspiration should not be denied to anyone who is determined to travel the skilling path.


As a training organization accountable to all stakeholders it is pertinent that we conduct our business with utmost integrity so that the confidence and trust placed in TVET is not diminished.


With rapid changes in technology and the decreasing shelf life of technical skills we need to forge strong partnership with industry, academia and our other stakeholders.


We will conduct our business, exercising due care for all our students, staff (stakeholders) and the environment.

Welcome to WSC !

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