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Training of Trainer

Under the hub and spoke model, WSC acts as the hub and the ITI / Polytechnics spread across the state act as the spokes andWSCsupports all ITIs/Polytechnics in the areas of staff capability development through various Technical as well as Non-Technical Trainings.


Academy offers Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme in the broad areas of Pedagogy strategies, Assessment Techniques, Curriculum Design, Mentoring and Coaching which will deepen the teaching skills of faculty members.

Level Name of Programme Key Learning Outcome / Content
Level 1- TOT (Foundation level) TOT - Assessment (Foundation)
  • Design and craft Higher Taxonomic Order MCQs and SEQs as per Blooms Taxanomy.
  • Design and develop Rubrics (Analytic, Weighted & Holistic) for evaluating vocational skills /competencies
  • Develop Model answers and Assessment Schemes using Key principles of assessment.
  • Design Formative, Interim and Summative Assessment.
TOT - Pedagogy (Foundation)
  • Drafting of Content Analysis Map (Identification of competency from syllabus, sequencing and chunking of skills, Tasks/Sub-tasks).
  • Preparation of Lesson Plan for each competency using Gagne’s nine events of instruction
  • Drafting of Learning Outcome using Blooms taxonomy.
  • Inclusion of Learner-Centered Learning activities for increasing student engagement.
TOT – Curriculum (Foundation)
  • Design and develop a competency-based short course using A.D.D.I.E Model
Level 2 TOT*(Deepening Skills) TOT – Pedagogy (Advanced )Task Based Learning
  • Conduct of Skill Lesson Demonstration using Task Based Approach
TOT – Assessment (Advanced) Assessment of Student Projects
  • Design of Assessment Plan & Marking scheme for project-based assignments
TOT – Assessment (Advanced)Digital Tools for Assessment
  • Design online Assessment using digital/E- tools and Analyze test reports.
TOT- Assessment (Advanced)Differentiated Assessment
  • Design Different Assessment Strategies for different types of Learning
TOT – Curriculum (Advanced) Review of Competency-Based Curriculum
  • Review an existing Competency based Curriculum using D.A.CU.M Framework , A.D.DI.E Model , Task Analysis
Level 3 TOT (Specializing Skills) Master Trainer
  • Review an existing Competency based Curriculum using D.A.CU.M Framework , A.D.DI.E Model , Task Analysis

ToT - Programme Title Duration (Days) Date (2024) Action
From To
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 01.01.2024 05.01.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 01.01.2024 05.01.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 08.01.2024 12.01.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 08.01.2024 12.01.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced) Task-Based Learning 4 03.01.2024 06.01.2024
Assessment (Advanced) Assessment of Student Project 2 08.01.2024 09.01.2024
Assessment using Digital Tools 2 08.01.2024 09.01.2024
Assessment (Foundation) 5 16.01.2024 20.01.2024
Assessment (Foundation) 5 16.01.2024 20.01.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced) Task-Based Learning 4 16.01.2024 19.01.2024
Assessment (Advanced) Assessment of Student Project 2 20.01.2024 22.01.2024
Assessment using Digital Tools 2 24.01.2024 25.01.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced) Task-Based Learning 4 12.02.2024 16.02.2024
Assessment (Advanced) Assessment using Digital Tools 2 17.02.2024 19.02.2024
Assessment of Student Project 2 20.02.2024 21.02.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 12.02.2024 17.02.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced) Task-Based Learning 4 26.02.2024 28.02.2024
Assessment (Advanced) Assessment using Digital Tools 2 29.02.2024 01.03.2024
Assessment of Student Project 2 02.03.2024 04.03.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation) 5 11.03.2024 15.03.2024
Assessment (Foundation) 5 18.03.2024 22.03.2024
Assessment (Foundation) 5 02.04.2024 06.04.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 02.04.2024 05.04.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   4 06.04.2024 10.04.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 15.04.2024 20.04.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 22.04.2024 26.04.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 29.04.2024 03.04.2024
Masterclass (Mentoring/Coaching) 6 02.05.2024 08.05.2024
Masterclass (Mentoring/Coaching) 6 13.05.2024 18.05.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 17.05.2024 22.05.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 27.05.2024 30.05.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   2 31.05.2024 01.06.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   2 03.06.2024 04.06.2024
Life Skill   5 03.06.2024 07.06.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   4 10.06.2024 13.06.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 18.06.2024 21.06.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   5 24.06.2024 28.06.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 01.07.2024 05.07.2024
Masterclass (Mentoring/Coaching) 6 06.07.2024 12.07.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 15.07.2024 20.07.2024
Life Skill   5 15.07.2024 20.07.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 22.07.2024 26.07.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 29.07.2024 02.07.2024
Life Skill   5 05.08.2024 09.08.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 05.08.2024 08.08.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   4 09.08.2024 14.08.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 27.08.2024 31.08.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 02.09.2024 06.09.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 09.09.2024 13.09.2024
Masterclass (Mentoring/Coaching) 6 17.09.2024 23.09.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 23.09.2024 28.09.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 30.09.2024 05.10.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 14.10.2024 19.10.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 21.10.2024 25.10.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 28.10.2024 02.11.2024
Life Skill   5 04.11.2024 11.11.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 11.11.2024 14.11.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   4 16.11.2024 20.11.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 18.11.2024 22.11.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 25.11.2024 30.11.2024
Pedagogy (Foundation)   5 02.12.2024 06.12.2024
Assessment (Foundation)   5 09.12.2024 13.12.2024
Pedagogy (Advanced)   4 16.12.2024 19.12.2024
Assessment (Advanced)   4 20.12.2024 24.12.2024
  • * Note -Pedagogy (Advanced) includes ToT on atleast one of the following topics - Task Based Learning / Differentiated Instruction/ Blended Learning.
  • * Note -Assessment (Advanced) includes ToT on atleast one of the following topics - Assessment of Student Project/ Differentiated Assessment/Digital Tools to assess students learning.
  • #Note - The duration mentioned above for all the programmes are only for the face to face classroom training. Each training programme will have an additional 1 to 2 days of virtual / online handholding sessions in addition to the above mentioned days.
  • # Pedagogy (Foundation) and Assessment (Foundation) are the two flagship ToT programmes. The Key learning outcomes of ToT -Pedagogy (Foundation) are (a) Preparation of lesson plan using Gagnes 9 event, (b) Content analysis Map and (c) Learner centered Learning activities. Similarly the key outcomes of the ToT- Assessment (Foundation) are a) preparing of Higher order thinking Questions based on Blooms Taxanomy and b) Preparing of detailed Rubrics for assessment.

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