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WSC Leadership

World Skill Center (WSC) is positioned to empowering individuals with the skills they need to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of industry and technology. Together, we will shape a brighter future for our organization and the communities we serve. At WSC, our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and competencies they need to succeed in today's dynamic and competitive job market. Through our diverse range of skilling initiatives, we aim to bridge the gap between education and employment and create pathways to economic opportunity and social mobility.

Alka Misra

Chief Executive Officer

World Skill Centre is a beacon of innovation and expertise, it serves as a hub for honing skills to global standards, ensuring that our workforce remains competitive on the domestic and international stage. WSC offers a wide range of programs to meet the industry pipeline. Our goal is to foster employability by empowering the youths with domain & employability skills which are required at workplace. In today's rapidly evolving world, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve and adapting to new challenges and opportunities. That's why we at WSC are committed to fostering a culture of innovation in everything we do, from our curriculum and teaching methods to our facilities and partnerships.

Pinaki Patnaik

Chief Operating Officer

I have been in Technical & Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and community service, where I work with youths for more than 30 years. The opportunity to contribute to the Skilled in Odisha vision of the Odisha is one that resonates with me. The work that my colleagues and I do to uplift the lives of youths through enabling them to gain professional skills and competencies is critical to ensuring they can make a good life for themselves and their families. I truly believe in this as I too walked a similar path as a youth many decades ago. Academic achievements used to be the passport to a good future but in today’s rapidly evolving landscape skills has come to the forefront in ensuring a livelihood and future. I treasure this opportunity to play a part in this noble cause and work with an exceptionally committed team at World Skill Center (WSC)

T Thambyrajah


World Skill Center (WSC) is committed to elevate the whole Skill eco system of Odisha and the country to a new global height with it’s constant and structured effort, under an able and equally committed leadership. WSC is putting constant effort for providing the youth of Odisha with the right kind of skills and knowledge to make them globally employable. Under Hub-Spoke model, WSC is also hand holding the ITI & Polytechnics of the state on all fronts. There are plans to scale up the activities of WSC to other parts of the state to leverage maximum advantage for the effort. The Niche feature of WSC is, it gives priority to skill learners from the bottom of the pyramid of our society to facilitate them to transform their lives and that of their family members. WSC has already created many such stories in the lives of the students within a short span of 3 years with 2 batches graduating from the course. Through industry demanded short courses, Through industry demanded short courses, WSC aims to augment the skill level of the youth with the skills in demand within a short span of their time and make them closer to the industry requirement. As every mansion is built over a robust foundation, the foundation for an agile skill eco system in Odisha is ready for the public as WSC. The dedicated team of trainers and other support staff are putting wholehearted effort to make learning interesting and making students of WSC Industry ready. This website will be a gateway to this immense opportunity. My Best wishes for Team WSC.

Dr. Subhanga Kishore Das

Dy. Principal

Since my deployment from Singapore to World Skill Center (WSC), Bhubaneswar,in end-February 2024, I have had a most humbling experience. My colleagues at WSC are not only dedicated to their work, driven by the vision and mission of WSC; they also amaze and inspire me with their can-do attitude in the face of tremendous work pressure and tight deadlines. I am proud and privileged to work with such a professional team of colleagues at WSC who are committed to their common mission of transforming lives through vocational and technical training. I am also greatly inspired by the “Skilled in Odisha” vision which not only aims to unlock human capital to facilitate aspirational employment, but also create entrepreneurship pathways for all.

Lim Lai Soon

Senior Director, School of Services

I’ve spent over 40 years working in training and development. My knack for connecting with people has allowed me to effectively lead teams on various projects. I’ve taken real-world experiences and woven them into classroom teaching. As a Trainer and Consultant for TVET countries, I’ve specialized in Engineering and Pedagogy/Andragogy training. Over the years, I’ve been passionate about creating and adapting educational technologies (especially eLearning). I’ve even had the chance to share my insights at international conferences.

Pitchian Anthonysamy

Director, School of Engineering

I believe the impact of a teacher on a student will last a lifetime. We must ensure that we do no harm and empower every single student to embrace and achieve their potential and dreams. My dream for WSC is that the Academy be recognized as a leader in TVET education not only nationally but internationally. Its faculty will be a major contributor to the professionalization of all TVET trainers. In order to produce world-ready students, we need world-ready teachers. The Academy will embark on many training courses and workshops to deepen and sharpen the skills and competences required to achieve the dream.

Suppiah Nagammal

Director, Academy

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